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Eastside Loop Day 3:
Indian Bar to Olallie Creek

6.1 miles, 1400' gain, 2500' descent

(7.8 miles including my Bald Rock side trip)

The sun was out. The views were big. The trail was magnificent. The day was great.

Remember how I said earlier that the section from Summerland to Panhandle Gap is my favorite of them all? I am reconsidering. It's possible that this part of the Wonderland, running along the top of the Cowlitz Divide, might be even finer.

First a climb, with beautiful views backward over the basin of Indian Bar. The summit of Rainier gradually came into sight behind me. Then all of a sudden, it's Mount Adams to the south! And the Tatoosh Range to my right, and the Cowlitz Chimneys to my left. Ridge hikes are the best, and this is a long ridge with a long trail running all the way down it. Undulations aplenty along the way, with always so much to see in every direction.

As this was a relatively short day, I decided to include a side trip to check out Bald Rock.

Back on the Wonderland, I descended into the forest, turned off onto the Cowlitz Divide Trail, and became thirsty. I knew there would be no water sources from Indian Bar to shortly before Olallie Creek, so had made sure to fill my full 3 liter carrying capacity that morning, but I sweated a lot during the scramble to Bald Rock and had drunk it all. By the time I made it to the first tiny trickle of a stream crossing the path, I was acting like the hero of an H. Rider Haggard novel who had reached the oasis after crossing the desert, flinging himself to the ground crying "Water! Water! It's not a mirage, we are saved after all!"

Olallie Creek camp is a quiet spot in the forest. The creek is small and visually unspectacular but runs right next to the campsites, providing a beautifully babbling background beside which to <can't think of a synonym for sleep that alliterates here>

At Indian Bar, filtering water ready for a dry section of trail

On my way out of Indian Bar, today the bridge over Wauhaukaupauken Falls only has a wire railing on one of its sides, and one of the slats is missing: eek!

Looking behind me while climbing up from Indian Bar

Mount Adams

Mount Tahoma

Ridgeline trails are the best

Mount Adams

The Tatoosh Range (Tatoosh means 'nourishing breast' in the Chinook Jargon)

The Cowlitz Chimneys

Sunbathing marmot is so bored with that view, they've turned their back on it

I need water! But the stream is dry :-(

Camped at Olallie Creek